Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherAll selected required
Type of Material: Dropdown listChoose...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
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Description: Description
This document guides facilitators in planning and delivering a 2-day training workshop on integrating gender into reproductive health and HIV programmes. It outlines a range of activities to strengthen participants' understanding of key gender-related concepts; gender-sensitive programming; how to perform gender analysis; understand the continuum of gender as it relates to projects; and how to incorporate a gender perspective across the programme cycle. Through this training, participants should be able to understand and apply gender analysis; comprehend the elements common to projects that successfully integrate gender; and practice integrating gender into the six steps of the programme cycle.
This training module aims to build staff’s skills to address gender-based violence in programmes on reproductive health, HIV, and/or safe motherhood. It includes a facilitator's guide and outlines a range of activities to familiarize participants with gender-based violence; the phenomenon’s links to gender norms; the common elements of gender-based violence interventions; and how to apply gender analysis to integrate gender-based violence interventions in reproductive health programmes. As a primer on gender-based violence, the module assumes little or no prior experience with the topic; however, it assumes that participants have basic knowledge of gender and gender analysis (e.g. via the IGWG Gender 101 training).
This field manual supports the delivery of quality reproductive health services in humanitarian settings. It is a tool for facilitating discussion and decision-making in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of reproductive health interventions, with a particular focus on the needs of women and girls. The document outlines a standard set of reproductive health interventions; guides reproductive health officers, programme managers and service providers in introducing and strengthening evidence-based interventions based on affected population’s needs, demands and with respect for their beliefs; and advocates for a multi-sectoral approach to meet these needs and foster coordination among all partners.
This handbook offers a quick reference guide to promote women’s participation in electoral processes in post-conflict countries. Aimed at actors in the UN system, governments and civil society – both in the field and at headquarters – it sets out specific recommendations targeting each of these groups. The document outlines the legal framework which affects women and elections; takes stock of existing tools for advancing women’s participation in post-conflict elections exist; and explores issues of political participation; voter registration; voter and civil education; election administration; and election observation.
This manual aims to facilitate a process of discussion and learning about human rights and CEDAW (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women). It accompanies a series of eight videos – illustrating different types of discrimination and human rights violations against women around the world. Thus, each of its eight chapters is linked to one of these videos. The document also offers an overview of CEDAW; a glossary of key definitions of and terminology; and a workshop evaluation form. More broadly, the manual seeks to further the goals of the UN Decade of Human Rights Education (1994-2004).
This module on protecting refugees and displaced persons from gender-based violence (GBV) aims to enhance field staff’s understanding of GBV and ways of addressing the phenomenon. It offers handouts – containing practical information, figures, case studies, and lessons learned – which can assist facilitators in building tailored training sessions. It outlines a range of activities to enable participants to reflect on the links between gender-based violence and protection in specific contexts; to strengthen their awareness and knowledge of GBV; and to discuss responses, strategies and support mechanisms to respond to GBV.
These guidelines aid stakeholders in addressing gender-based violence experienced by refugees, displaced persons and returning populations. They are directed at all those who provide assistance to refugees – UNHCR, UN agencies, international organisations, NGOs and host governments – and further aim to guide initiatives by refugee communities to tackle violence. The guidelines examine the root causes of sexual and gender-based violence, including unequal power relations between women and men; suggest practical actions to overcome violence; call for strategic partnerships between all stakeholders to promote change; and emphasise the need to involve refugees, especially women and girls, in planning, implementing and evaluating activities to prevent and respond to GBV.
This manual develops users’ advocacy skills to champion the rights of violence-against-women survivors in the criminal justice system. It maps the obstacles to criminal justice for women; outlines rights, first line and second line criminal justice advocacy; and explores strategies to strengthen criminal justice response to violence against women. The document focuses on the criminal justice system because it is the only institution with the authority to intervene and stop violence; to carry out criminal investigations and prosecutions; to protect survivors; to penalize perpetrators; and to ensure justice.
This collection of training materials was developed to support gender mainstreaming in a trade and economic growth initiative – the USAID-funded GATE project in Bangladesh. It may be regarded as a case study of how training can be used to enhance the knowledge and skills of programme staff to ask “the right gender questions”; find the data needed to answer these questions; and to develop programme interventions to meet gender-related targets. It explores links between gender, equity, economic growth, trade and other sectors – with a view to supporting programmes that strengthen the capacities of women and men to seize economic opportunities.
Le présent manuel est fondé sur l’expérience accumulée dans les nombreux ateliers de formation qui ont été mis en oeuvre en Afrique orientale et australe sous le projet LinKS de la FAO. Ce manuel de formation représente un guide conceptuel pour les formateurs qui peut être utilisé pour les guider dans les questions de genre et de savoirs locaux qui sont des éléments importants pour la gestion de la biodiversité agricole et la sécurité alimentaire. Il est évident, quand on travaille avec ce Manuel de formation, que la biodiversité agricole et la sécurité alimentaire sont des questions complexes qui nécessitent une attention minutieuse.
This French-language manual offers guidance for trainers on issues of gender and local knowledge, in the context of agricultural biodiversity management and food security. Based on experiences from training workshops in Eastern and Southern Africa, held in the context of FAO’s LinKS project, the document challenges the myth that modern technologies automatically reduce poverty or mitigate hunger, demonstrating how these technologies may not be appropriate in specific situations. It includes suggested readings, as well as fact sheets with tips for trainers to plan modules and adapt materials to local contexts and participants' needs.