Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherSe requieren todos los seleccionados
Type of Material: Campo de menúSeleccionar...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
Year of Publication: Nombre de campo
Description: Description
El juego de herramientas sobre el género en la investigación se esfuerza por promover la igualdad y la excelencia de género en la investigación científica al facilitar la participación de mujeres científicas, promover la igualdad de oportunidades para mujeres y hombres e integrar la dimensión de género en el contenido de la investigación en todas las áreas de investigación.
Las herramientas pretenden:
The Gender in Research Toolkit strives to promote gender equality and excellence in scientific research by facilitating the participation of women scientists, promoting equal opportunities for women and men and integrating the gender dimension into research content in all research areas. It aims to:
It addresses research in nine broad fields: health; food, agriculture and biotechnology; energy; the environment; nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials, new production technologies; socio-economic science and humanities; science; transport; and international cooperation
The toolkit is also available in Spanish.
This training-of-trainers manual (ToT) is designed to equip trainers to be able to deliver a capacity enhancement workshops to rural women and and rural elected women leaders on climate change and gender. The manual provides the information/content, tools and training skills required to: raise participants awareness of the causes and effects of climate change, especially on agriculture and food security; help empower participants to adapt successfully to projected changes by being aware of available government plans and programmes and field-based adaptation models by non-government actors; make participants aware of gender-differentiated impacts and the different roles that men and women need to play in adapting to these; and equip participants to evaluate the result of their training periodically.
The purpose of this guide is to promote gender-responsive and socially-sensitive climate change research and development in the agriculture and food security sectors through participatory approaches. The guide focuses on the household and community level. It provides users with resources and tools for collecting, analysing and sharing gender-sensitive information about agricultural communities, households and individual household members who are facing climatic changes. This guide supports work to investigate the gender dimensions of responding to climate change in the agriculture and food security sectors, with the ultimate goals of improving food production, livelihood security and gender equality in the context of the world's changing climate.
This training modules on gender, agriculture and food security provides basic information and learning tools needed to understand and advocate for the integration of gender issues in climate change policies at the regional, national, and community levels. It . It is part of a series of modules and policy briefs on gender and climate change themes of specific relevance to Africa. The module focuses on different roles of men and women in agriculture and food security in Africa; the gender dimensions of climate stressors on agricultural production and food and nutritional security; and the importance of and options for integrating of gender perspectives into agricultural and food security policies.
This training module aims to enhance the technical capacities of development practitioners to address gender issues in climate smart agriculture (CSA) projects. The module provides theoretical and practical approaches for designing gender-responsive climate smart agriculture projects, using lessons from previous work to illustrate ways of integrating gender issues throughout the project cycle so that the specific needs and priorities of men and women are addressed. It also provides an overview of a gender-responsive planning and implementation processes, approaches and tools for conducting a gender analysis, a glossary of key terms and concepts of climate smart agriculture and gender, and some checklists for gender integration in each phase of the project cycle.
This manual on gender in conflict and peace aims to capture lessons learned, offer guidance and strengthen capacities on gender in conflict, peacebuilding and conflict prevention among CARE’s staff and partners. The manual comprises three modules on (1) gender, power and violent conflict, which explores how gender inequality and violent conflict are connected; (2) gender-Based Violence in conflict, which deals with the causes, forms and consequences of conflict related gender-based violence (GBV); and (3) gender in peacebuilding, which examines the links between gender relations, norms, roles and peacebuilding and how to promote meaningful participation of women and men in all aspects of peace and security.
This manual is designed to support training of planners and programme managers in energy ministries, utilities and private sector companies involved in energy infrastructure project to increase their capacity to bring gender aspects of energy into the planning cycle. It also aims to encourage gender specialists to increase their involvement in the energy sector. The manual was developed as part of the Norad programme on gender and energy, initially for use in Mozambique and Liberia.
This manual is meant to guide staff working in communities on starting an open dialogue with participants on their gender perceptions through pictures and group discussions. Its activities aim to sensitize both farmers and field staff for gender roles and relations, and helps inform, monitor and modify project interventions. It is a guide to conducting a three-hour gender training workshop, especially as part of a larger development project. It contains activities that help participants reflect on their own gender perceptions, critically discuss gender roles at home and in the community, and develop bargaining skills through role play.
This training manual aims to build understanding among UNDP staff and UNDP partners of the gender dimensions involved in environmental and energy sustainability. It examines environment and energy development projects, policies and decision-making processes from a gender perspective. It aims to (1) improve awareness of: gender-specific roles and responsibilities in different societies, the gender-related differences in access to and usage of natural resources and energy services, and the different impacts of environmental degradation and conservation efforts on men and women; (2) identify gender-specific measures that will increase the effectiveness and impact of environment and energy projects, increase gender balance through such projects and leverage the results of these projects to serve other development objectives; and (3) highlight entry points for mainstreaming gender in environment and energy activities.