Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherSe requieren todos los seleccionados
Type of Material: Campo de menúSeleccionar...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
Year of Publication: Nombre de campo
Description: Description
The INEE Gender Training Manual is intended to orient education practitioners to the INEE Guidance Note on Gender: Gender Equality in and through Education (2019). The training manual outlines 4-8 hours of training activities and materials related to gender-responsive education in emergencies. These training materials include guidance for facilitators (including key concepts, activity instructions, and discussion guides), presentation slides, and activity handouts for participants. Facilitators are encouraged to first review the instructions prior to training, which provides guidance for contextualization of the training resources.
The training package Gender and Entrepreneurship Together – GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise – aims to assist ILO partner organizations in promoting enterprise development among women in poverty who want to start or are already engaged in small-scale business.
As part of the EU-funded project, 'Women in transport – Education for Valuable Employment' (EVE – VS/2016/0241), a training kit on gender equality in transport was developed to develop ways of using the materials that identify learning needs and the steps to meet them through organising. The training kit is intended for trade union leaders, professional and non-professional trainers, tutors, teachers and employees’ representatives who believe in the need to raise awareness of gender equality issues.
This gender training package by the European Transport Workers' Foundation (ETF) aims to encourage women at the workplace to participate more in trade union life, to empower them as future union activists and to enable their participation in collective bargaining and negotiation bodies. The package's first two pillars were created with the support of the EU-funded project “Transport trade unions preparing for change – for a fair and sustainable transport sector” (ETF TRANSUNION – VS/2010/0406). The third pillar, about occupational health and safety for women, was drafted in 2016. A added a module on violence and harassment against women was added within the scope of the EU-funded project “Women in transport – Education for Valuable Employment” (EVE – VS/2016/0241). The package are a tool to support those trade union activists – women and men – who are keen to share and develop their knowledge and experience in the field of gender equality.
This National Gender-Responsive Teacher Training Package was developed to guide both teachers and school leaders in facilitating teaching in a school environment that is gender-responsive. The package enables teachers and learners to apply techniques and share activities that can be used in classroom settings. It contains five sections. Section one covers the rationale for the package, while section two is about learning outcomes and concepts related to gender and education. Section three focuses on gender-responsive pedagogy, section four on gender-responsive school leadership, and section five on monitoring and the evaluation of gender-responsive pedagogy.
The Training Package on Engaging Men in Prenatal Care was created to help health care professionals engage with men during pregnancy and childbirth and to promote active fatherhood. Accompanied by slides for use in presentations, and including prenatal visit practice with roleplaying exercises, it is intended to help health providers better engage with fathers. It also provides health professionals with a module on gender-based violence, including a scenario with a pregnant survivor of violence. The training package was developed in the framework of the “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence” programme, funded by the European Union, implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
Migrants, asylum-seekers, refugees, and stateless and internally displaced people – or people on the move – who have diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) face a complex array of challenges and threats in their countries of origin, migration and asylum, including discrimination, prejudice, violence and difficulty accessing assistance. IOM and UNHCR have jointly developed a comprehensive training package on the protection of people with diverse SOGIESC for personnel as well as the broader humanitarian community. The training’s modules cover a variety of topics, including terminology, international law, communication, protection, assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) and Refugee Status Determination (RSD), all with a focus on practical guidance for IOM and UNHCR offices and partner organizations.
This pack of presentations and exercises is for facilitators to use in training settings, to help climate and development professionals in Ethiopia to integrate gender perspectives into climate projects and programmes. Specifically, the training aims to help participants:
The handbook presents the training programme that was piloted in Keta and Sogakope. The handbook is comprised of four modules: (1) Value addition: To equip participants with skills in process improvement, packaging and product certification; (2) Business management: To equip participants with business management skills for increased profit margins and control over business operations; (3) Business finance: To assist women in managing and controlling their cash flow; and (4) Women empowerment and leadership: To deepen leadership capacity and potential by strengthening women’s groups and cooperatives.
The purpose of the training module is to provide learners with a better understanding of what the gender roles in CSA are and their critical impact on project outcomes and sustainability. The training will teach them about different methods and tools to identify, formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate gender-responsive actions and practices in CSA development projects. Through the training, learners will become familiar with the main concepts of gender, climate change and climate-smart agr iculture. They will also understand the relevance of gender dimensions in climate change adaptation and mitigation and in developing gender-responsive CSA interventions. Furthermore, they will learn the steps to take and tools and approaches available for conducting gender analysis and promoting gender mainstreaming in CSA project design, implementation and monitoring. The manual also presents available gender, climate change and CSA guidelines and other relevant materials to support learners in their work in implementing gender-responsive interventions. This training module provides basic information for organizing a short training workshop to develop gender mainstreaming capacities in CSA-related projects, throughout the whole project cycle.