Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherToute la sélection requise
Type of Material: Champ menuSélectionner...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
Year of Publication: Nom du champ
Description: Description
This policy advocacy toolkit was developed to assist African civil society organisations to effectively contribute to the development and implementation of public policy for social justice and gender equality or to challenge proposed laws and policies that undermine gender equality and human rights. It outlines policy advocacy strategies that can be used to influence policy processes, especially those that are counter to the principles of democracy, gender equality and human rights. This toolkit provides definitions of advocacy and policy advocacy; identifies key players in the production of policy; provides a step-by-step guide on how to successfully advocate, including examples of advocacy strategies that can be used, as well as a detailed case study example; discusses the use of the MenEngage Africa policy report series and policy advocacy work with regional economic communities; and provides a list of resources, including their web addresses. It targets organisations that work with men and boys for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. While it is designed for use within an African context but may be amended to suit any country’s social, political and economic conditions.
This policy brief looks at how to engage men and boys in social norms transformation can help in the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. It provides recommendations for working in compliment with women’s rights organizations and activist in the achievement of the SDGs – outlining specific sub-indicators on engaging men and boys which will contribute to reaching the indicators, and thus the targets within Goal 5 and others. These sub-indicators, accompanied by concrete recommendations on how to carry out the work of engaging men and boys responsibly across each issue, will be helpful in shaping the global framework on ‘engaging boys and men in gender justice” around Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
This manual explains the importance of producing and analyzing statistics on gender differences. It provides guidance on data production and looks in detail at selected topics relevant to gender statistics and the implications for data collection. It also examines methods for improving the use of gender statistics through communication strategies and dissemination platforms such as interactive databases and websites.
This Toolkit is a practical guide for both individual activists and organisations to learn more about intersectionality and its principles, and to provide a selection of activities to explore practice around inclusiveness. It provides information on key aspects that must be taken into consideration in order to make an organisation intersectional, providing practical tools to assist this process.
This toolkit is a means to pull back the curtain on intersectional gender analysis and help organizations learn how to ask new questions that dramatically change their day-to-day work and the underlying systems in their country that keep some people down and help some people up. It highlights how a gender lens improves organizational work, making the case for incorporating a gender analysis into economic equality work by exploring how intersectional sexism affects both women and men.
World Vision's Gender Training Toolkit is designed as a resource for the organization's staff with training and facilitation skills to use in the training of new trainers and local and regional leaders. The Toolkit is a comprehensive response to the global challenge of implementing a gender and development focus in an organizations everyday work. It focuses on pragmatic uses of tools and concepts for World Vision staff and partners at all levels, and adapt several internationally recognized tools.
This Toolkit presents the rationale, concepts and approaches to mainstreaming gender equality in development cooperation. It highlights European Commission policy commitments and legal instruments; identifies how to mainstream gender into Country Strategy Papers; discusses gender mainstreaming in the project approach and sector programmes. It also provides tools for integrating gender at various stages in the project/policy cycle; highlights aspects for gender analysis; and offers a glossary of gender and development terms. The Toolkit is primarily addressed to European Commission staff working in development cooperation, national governments, NGOs, donors and experts involved in technical assistance.
The purpose of this Guidance Note is to assist UNODC staff to effectively integrate a gender perspective into all aspects of their work, from planning strategic tools, developing normative standards, designing and delivering thematic and regional programmes and working through the project cycle. Applying a gender perspective involves being aware of the gendered dimensions of any activity, which requires analysis, information and consultations with both women and men. Ultimately integrating a gender perspective will result in a more balanced and representative approach.
This Toolkit includes guidelines that aim to support the process of mainstreaming, summarizing concepts and arguments, asking key questions and presenting concrete examples. The ‘Gender Tool Kit’ contains several sheets with practical information to help people working in the field to ask the right questions at the right time. This is necessary in order to integrate the gender dimension at the various stages of a development programme. This kit proposes series of questions, and the idea is not to answer them all, but to prevent SDC's staff and partners from forgetting the important ones and to improve their gender planning and monitoring skills. This should increase gender awareness among staff and partners
The Manual can be used for the orientation of education managers, policy-makers, curriculum developers, media professionals, adult learners and even the public at large on education that is gender sensitive. It is organized into ten sections that build on one another to sharpen participants’ understanding of gender-biased thinking within, and all around, them. This Manual embodies the rich experience gained from UNESCO workshops in Asia and the Pacific, sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab States. Designed to be a road map for conducting trainings of a similar nature, it is a product of UNESCO efforts to increase awareness of gender issues, suggest guidelines for a gender-sensitive approach to education, and promote respect for the equally valid roles that men and women play in their families, their communities and their nations.