Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherToute la sélection requise
Type of Material: Champ menuSélectionner...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
Year of Publication: Nom du champ
Description: Description
Le guide répond à un besoin exprimé par les parlementaires d’être mieux outillés sur les questions relatives aux droits de l’homme et au genre et leur prise en compte dans le budget. Ce manuel vise ainsi à renforcer les capacités des parlementaires dans le domaine des droits de l’homme, de l’équité et de l’égalité de genre afin que certains principes essentiels tels que l’universalité et l’indivisibilité, l’égalité et la non-discrimination, la participation et l’inclusion des groupes vulnérables soient mieux pris en compte au cours du processus législatif et budgétaire. Le guide inspiré du manuel élaboré par le HCDH-BRAO en 2014 pour renforcer les capacités des parlementaires au Sénégal dans le domaine des droits de l’homme.
This tool offers a way to assess the understanding, knowledge and skills that an organisation's staff has on gender equality and women's empowerment, as well as the organisation’s gender architecture and gender policy. It consists of an easy-to-implement questionnaire and guidelines, divided into the following sections: an introduction, the questionnaire, how to implement the questionnaire, and additional resources.
This tool responds to UN Women's mandate and the requirements of the UN System-Wide Action Plan (UN-SWAP) and the information gathered by using it can be complemented with more qualitative assessment methods such as interviews, focus group discussions and systematic observation.
This interactive application in the form of a stoplight is a user-friendly tool for the technical staff of local authorities. It guides users on how to conduct their own assessments of how gender has been mainstreamed in their local government, outlining progress and challenges. It encompasses 10 key indicators for examining how gender equity fits into municipal activities. This stoplight was originally designed for municipalities in Latin America but may be used by any municipality worldwide.
This training manual aims to build the gender analysis capacity of those working in the field of migration and development, in order to bring about a model of development that is centered on people, human rights and gender equality. It offers a series of tools to help design programmes and policies that strengthen the positive effects of migration on development outcomes, in both origin and destination countries.
The manual encompasses a facilitator’s guide and four training guides, each of which has a self-directed learning section and an activities section for designing face-to-face trainings. It brings to the fore issues of migration for care, the importance of putting the right to care on the development agenda, and migrant women’s rights.
This toolkit (available in English and SPanish) presents the short version of Promundo's approach so that an increasing number of teachers, facilitators, youth workers, coaches, and health workers have the means to become gender equality activists – engaging young people to achieve lives free of inequalities, discrimination, and violence, and with full access to and knowledge about sexual health and other health services. This toolkit maintains sexual diversity, represented by “D,” as a central part of approaches and achieving gender equity.
This tool provides guidance on best practices to promote strong partnerships between civil society organisations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Its goal is to strengthen these relationships in order to enable the scale up and/or institutionalization of evidence-based approaches. It was developed based on the findings that emerged from a global mapping of government-supported initiatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and SRHR.
LEARN4DEV a développé un outil pour aider les organisations à intégrer le genre dans leurs formations. En 22 questions, ce guide fait le tour de tous les aspect où l’approche de genre peut (et doit) être intégrée de façon transversale : dans les formulations, dans la collecte des données, la sélection du public, mais aussi le choix des horaires, du lieu.Une grille d’analyse indispensable pour évaluer les formations à la lumière des rapports sociaux entre les femmes et les hommes.
This Guide aims to support the design and delivery of gender training by gender focal points (GFPs). It is not a training of trainers manual but rather a resource to support GFPs. It is comprised of instructions, notes and “tips” specifically for the training modules and sessions included in this Guide. As a resource, it provides “building blocks” which facilitators can use to design customised training workshops.
These guidelines provide detailed, in-depth information on creating a more inclusive educational environment for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. They introduce the issues of human rights education; sex and relationship education; curricula and learning materials; inclusive policies, including anti-bullying policies; access to information and support; creating an inclusive, safe environment; visibility and participation; and school democracy.