Title: Title
Institution: Institution
Focal Area: Focal AreaLeadership and ParticipationEconomic EmpowermentViolence Against WomenMillenium Development GoalsPeace and SecurityNational Planning and BudgetingOtherToute la sélection requise
Type of Material: Champ menuSélectionner...Training Manual/GuideTool/ResourceReference DocumentHandbookTools for Gender Sensitive Planning and ImplementationTrain the TrainersBriefing PaperDiscussion PaperOther
Year of Publication: Nom du champ
Description: Description
This publication outlines an in-depth study on gender equality training conducted by the European Institute (EIGE). It examines the effectiveness of gender training in supporting the implementation of gender mainstreaming. The findings offer evidence of the effectiveness of gender training at the individual, organisational and societal levels by facilitating positive change in the attitudes of policymakers and others, thus evoking more efficient actions in the sphere of gender equality. This study analyses the conditions that need to be met for gender training to produce desired outcomes, demonstrating that training needs to be institutionalised, systematic and of a high quality if it is to bring about long-term, effective change.
This toolkit is designed to facilitate the process of designing effective gender equality training, and specifically to bolster investment in the gender equality skills of public administration staff. Its offers guiding principles, setting out a step-by-step guide for commissioning authorities on how to ensure the quality of gender equality capacity development initiatives – from the planning phase through to implementation, evaluation and follow-up. The document also includes an introduction to gender equality training; basic terms and definitions; and a list of additional resources.
This tool is offers an introduction to security sector reform (SSR) and gender issues, including an introduction to gender training for security sector personnel; practical tips and examples of good practices in gender training for the security sector; and entry points for incorporating gender into training for security sector workers. It is directed towards stakeholders responsible for the development of SSR policy and programming, as well as other organisations – such as the staff of national governments, including donors; security sector institutions; regional and international organisations; civil society organisations, academics and researchers on gender and security.
This manual provides information and practical incentives for mainstreaming gender equality in the planning, Implementation and evaluation of training programmes. It defines key terms and practical tips for being gender aware in the workplace, encouraging trainers to examine the content and methods of training initiatives; their own gender knowledge; and language and communication. It is based on the concept of "didactics that promote gender equality", i.e. the question of how, and on what terms, women and men learn best. While the document was prepared by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for its staff and consultants, it is a useful resource for trainers and organisations worldwide.
This training manual is a comprehensive tool that field facilitators can use to approach Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) from a gender perspective, in order to increase participants’ understanding of FGM/C as a harmful practice and a form of violence against women and girls (VAWG). It invites training participants to reflect on the unequal power relations between men and women as the root cause of FGM/C; discuss how gender discrimination creates social expectations about women’s bodies and sexuality; and look at the socioeconomic, cultural and institutional factors that maintain the practice of FGM/C. The manual also equips trainees to analyze the role of girls and women, boys and men as change agents; identifies sources of resistance; and considers a range of successful programme approaches.
This training manual seeks to further the implementation of a gender perspective in Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP missions. It specifically supports Member States in conducting pre-deployment trainings; as well as CSDP missions and operations striving to enhance their staff’s capacity to mainstream gender in their daily work. The manual is a useful resource for trainers, as it outlines training activities that aim to enable CSDP personnel to integrate a gender perspective in their initiatives. By outlining concrete examples, that have been tested and verified in different CSDP contexts, it aims to translate policy commitment into concrete results.
This guide provides “Quick Tips” for UN Staff members at managerial levels, in order to support and advance the achievement of human rights and gender equality – both as an organization as a whole, and as individuals. Although the guide does not provide an exhaustive list of competencies, it includes reflections related to three core organisational values in the UN System: integrity; professionalism; and respect for diversity. By providing practical tips and reflexive questions, it supports managers to assess their own – and their teams’ – commitment and competences with respect to gender equality.
This guide provides a series of “quick tips” for all UN staff members to maximise their knowledge, skills and potential to contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s vision and mission for gender equality. It includes tips, exercises and checklists for developing gender sensitive competences within different areas of work, including teamwork; working relationships; communication; and constructive feedback. Ultimately, the guide aims to enhance the strength, quality and commitment of UN staff towards gender equality.
This training manual bolsters the knowledge and capacities of grassroots facilitators – equipping them to implement participatory processes for improving grassroots equity in forest-based climate change policy frameworks, mechanisms and initiatives. Based on the principle that grassroots stakeholders must be engaged in decision-making processes – both for setting national policies, as well as for designing and planning programmers – the manual provides hands-on guidance to train grassroots facilitators to better engage all stakeholders; and to promote equity in forest-based climate change and forest management practices and interventions. Its main premise is to extend the practice and process of active participation towards effective engagement while improving equity.
Estas dos guías tienen como propósito el apoyar a quienes buscan integrar en su trabajo cultural y patrimonial el enfoque de género. Las guías permiten preguntarse cómo integrar las identidades sexuales y de género que muchas veces han quedado fuera del registro patrimonial preservado históricamente. A la vez son herramientas útiles para interrogarnos acerca del aporte de las instituciones culturales a la construcción de un país donde todas y todos tenemos cabida. Como tal, las guías proporcionan una serie de orientaciones y criterios para que los equipos profesionales en los ámbitos patrimoniales profundicen y fortalezcan la incorporación del enfoque de género en su trabajo diario y en todo el quehacer institucional.
These two guides support stakeholders in integrating a gender perspective into their work on culture and heritage. They offer insights on how to integrate sexual and gender identities which have often been left out of traditional heritage records. They are also useful tools with which to question the contribution of cultural institutions to building states in which all persons have a place. The documents provide a set of guidelines and criteria for professional teams in the field of heritage, in order to deepen and strengthen the incorporation of a gender perspective in their daily work and across all institutional efforts. (Available only in Spanish)