Learn more by reading the event's Concept Note and please use this forum to have your say!
Learn more by reading the event's Concept Note and please use this forum to have your say!
I have had to adapt to ZOOM learning in different formats including live audience gathered in a hotel in the destination country and me on zoom. There have been many challenges with technical issues in the translation.. Also the sessions had to be a lot shorter and the materials prepared in a way to get the main messages across effectively. I also trained my self in more effective on-line training methods. So, my question for the panelists is, what have been their strategies to quickly adapt to this new strange environment.
I cannot more highly recommend this training which literally saved my life: https://www.humentum.org/efaciliatation-skills-virtual-train-pro
Please feel free to reach out for tips, tricks, ideas or anything else you may find.
Best of luck with this new environment!!
Hi Elizabeth, it depend from training duration but from my experience I can suggest before training to get more details about participants experience and expectations and to show them in the beginning that you aware about it, and asked them if they have more expectations. It help to create a feeling of interaction from the begging and include them into process.
And if it few days duration I would suggest to make 2 sessions with 20-30 minutes break and prepare individual or small groups homework, which they should fulfil and send to you till 18.00 the same day, and you have time till next day to prepare feedback.
Yes you should be ready that With translation it can take more time, but if you’ll ask to translate your presentation into participants language it can help to them to more fast adopt the information. And you can used your own notes.
Hope it will help.
Good luck
Elena Kuvichko, Abkhazia