Virtual Dialogues

Virtual dialogues are online discussions that aim to motivate debate, exchange of good practices, resources, ideas, and information on different topics related to Training for Gender Equality that respond to the interests, needs and mission of the UN Women Community of Practice.

Virtual Dialog
Module Launch
Past virtual dialogues

Training for Gender Equality Resources

General Discussion Forum

This discussion forum is a space in which CoP members can post threads on topics related to training for gender equality – we hope that this will become a focal point for debates and exchange between our members.


by Yimari Quintero -

Hola soy Yimari Quintero saludos y bendiciones desde Venezuela... Soy docente y he realizado contribuciones en la Calidad Educativa con la creación de un Manual Agenda Escolar, libro que se encuentra publicado en una Editorial Española y he contribuido a difundir mi ensayo con algunos docentes de mi país. Mi preocupación actualmente es la falta de motivación del gremio docente debido a su baja remuneración con respecto al trabajo que realizan para ofrecer una buena educación en Venezuela, ya que un maestro con el mas alto rango apenas gana 50$ y otros no llegan ni a 30$ mensuales para subsistir, con una canasta de alimentos básicos que pasa los 300$ mensual, es por ello que levanto mi voz en pro de todos los docente venezolanos por un SUELDO DIGNO que les permita cubrir sus necesidades básica, por una buena CALIDAD DE VIDA y CALIDAD EDUCATIVA e IGUALDAD DE CONDICIONES PARA TODOS LOS TRABAJADORES VENEZOLANOS.



  1. Impulsar  equipos de trabajo  igualitarios.
  2. La comunicación es clave. 
  3. Entregar formación y elaborar normativas.
  4. Reconocer públicamente los logros de las mujeres. 
  5. Usar la perspectiva de género para reclutar personal.


by Frans Salas -

Como generar grupos de ayuda, que se aseguren de brindar igualdad y ver que se rijan los derechos durante un concepto de riesgo.



Hay que recordar que lo primero que hay que decir es que garantizar la igualdad de todas las personas es fundamental para el desarrollo y la paz.

Así que por cuestión de derechos humanos y por justicia social, la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres es una condición necesaria para tener una mejor sociedad.

First Virtual Dialogue of 2021: Gender Trainers and COVID-19 (February 18th))

by Ruya Leghari -

/edited/ Our latest Virtual Dialogue Webinar , "Gender trainers and COVID-19: What have we learned from the pandemic?"  on the 18th of February 2021 at 10:00 New York Time (EST)/16:00 Central European Time (CET) was a huge success, thank you to everyone for their participation. You can watch the video and add to the debates here! Remember, your contributions will be credited in the Virtual Dialogue Report. 

Learn more by reading the event's Concept Note below. 

Virtual Dialogue gender trainers and COVID-19

Webinar with UNODC on Gender and Organized Crime

by Ruya Leghari -

Join us at a live webinar on Gender and Organized Crime on 7 December 2022 at 9:00 NY time:

This webinar will launch the latest I Know Gender module, jointly developed by the UN Women Training Centre and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Listen to experts present the module and discuss the topic by joining our webinar. Read more in the Concept Note attached below. 


Virtual Dialogue on Online Training and Feminist Pedagogies (3 November 2022)

by Ruya Leghari -

/Edited/ Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate the launch of the UN Women Training Centre’s new Working Paper on Online Training and Feminist Pedagogies. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, online training has become the predominant modality for delivering training for gender equality worldwide. But what implications does this shift to online learning have from the perspective of feminist pedagogical principles and practices? This is what we will discussed during this Virtual Dialogue Webinar on 3 November 2022 at 10:00 New York time. 

Virtual Dialogue Webinar 3 November 2022

You can watch a recording of the webinar here: 

Read more in our Concept Note below.

Traditional gender roles among educated married couples

by Drissa TRAORE -

The subject is important but very debatable.
Indeed, education largely depends on that which the woman or man has received in his paternal family.  Yes, on the one hand, education can play an important role, I will rather talk about means. Whether the man or woman as head of household has the means to provide for the basic needs of the family.
Culture (tradition) should also be taken into account. I come from this society or community, I cannot shame my community.  In conclusion, the education here is much supported by the respective roles of man and woman in a couple (educated or not). Let us add that instruction education aspects of more in this traditional role.

Traditional gender roles among educated married couples

by Adebayo Tajudeen Sanni -

Traditional gender roles are improving among educated married couples, and this is a result of education.