Virtual Dialogues

Virtual dialogues are online discussions that aim to motivate debate, exchange of good practices, resources, ideas, and information on different topics related to Training for Gender Equality that respond to the interests, needs and mission of the UN Women Community of Practice.

Virtual Dialog
Module Launch
Past virtual dialogues

Training for Gender Equality Resources

General Discussion Forum

This discussion forum is a space in which CoP members can post threads on topics related to training for gender equality – we hope that this will become a focal point for debates and exchange between our members.

Upcoming Virtual Dialogue on INTERSECTIONALITY (October, 2017)

by Ruya Leghari -

For those of you who haven't seen our latest UN Women Training Centre CoP Newsletter, we have scheduled an exciting new Virtual Dialogue on intersectionality in training for gender equality! The Virtual Dialogue will take place in October 2017, with a three week forum discussion and a live Webinar with expert speakers on the 11th of October (register here). 

You can read the detailed Concept Note here. As it explains, this Virtual Dialogue will be a unique, exciting opportunity for participatory reflection on the what, why and how of intersectionality in training - i.e. what intersectionality means in the context of training for gender equality; why it is important to take into account; and how we can address intersectionality in our training programmes. 

Please remember to take part and share the news with your networks - we'd like everyone interested in this key issue to participate!

Gender equality and household expenditure sharing

by Nadège Mamas MAVOUNGOU -
The debate about gender equality and household expenditures sharing continues to be raised. Men are not ready to keep on dealing with the biggest of expenditure within their house as the tradition and law stipulate( depending on countries)  with regards to the gender equality definition. They think that in such a case, there is no gender equity. They would like an equal sharing of household exenditures. I would like to take this issue to your appreciation for more knowledge about dealing with such a issue.

CoP Interview Series (sign up now!)

by Ruya Leghari -

We are happy to announce a new Community of Practice (CoP) Interview Series with experts that will run from the 15th of June, every alternate Thursday until the end of the year. 

Our first interview will be with Dr Lucy Ferguson, expert in training for gender equality on the 15th of June at 3pm Central European Time (CET, e.g. Paris, Berlin, Madrid, etc.)/9 am Eastern Standard Time (EST/AST, e.g. New York, Santo Domingo, etc.) You can sign up here! 

Read Dr Ferguson's biography here. We will be speaking to her about feminist pedagogies and online training for gender equality. 

If you attend the live interview, you'll have a chance to pose questions directly to the expert - otherwise, you can watch the interviews at any time on the CoP platform or the UN Women Training Centre's YouTube channel. 

Future interviews will be held on: 

  • Thursday, 15th June, 3pm CET (Register here) with Dr Lucy Ferguson of Madrid's Complutense University and international gender consultant 
  • Thursday, 29th June, 3pm CET (Register here) with Daniela Moreno Alarcón, gender trainer
  • Thursday, 13th July, 3pm CET (Register here) with Elisabeth Hoffman of the francophone Genre en Action network
  • Thursday, 27th July, 3 pm CET (Register here) with Anand Pawar of SAMYAK Pune
  • Thursday, 10th August, 3 pm CET (Register here) with Jane Kato-Wallace of Promundo
  • Thursday, 24th August, 3pm CET (Register here) (speaker to be confirmed)

I'll be posting information on who we will be interviewing, and further dates here - stay tuned for more information. 

Virtual Dialogue in 1 week: Save the Date (24 April-14 May)

by Ruya Leghari -

I'm very happy to announce that the UN Women Training Centre will hosts its 10th Virtual Dialogue on the CoP platform in less than a week's time. 

The topic we'll be discussing is "Understanding Change through Training for Gender Equality". What kinds of change can training for gender equality achieve? What kinds of change has it achieved so far? How can we assess/evaluate this change? 

These are some of the questions which we invite all of you to come and discuss in our special Virtual Dialogue section of the CoP - which will be open from Monday, the 24th of April until Sunday, the 14th of May. 

These are also some of the questions our three expert guest speakers will be talking about during our 1 hour English-language live Webinar on Wednesday, the 3rd of May. You can register to take part in the live Webinar here (and please remember to ask questions for the speakers.through the Webinar "questions facility"!). 

If you can't make the time slot, I will be posting a recording of the Webinar on the CoP after the 3rd. And you can join the discussion form any time to discuss the issue of change through training for gender equality. Some additional key questions are in the Concept Note below. 

I look forward to hearing from all of you during the Virtual Dialogue! If you have any questions, you can write to me here, send me a private message or email

A perspective on gender equality from India

by Ruya Leghari -

A CoP member from India, Sneha Pathak, kindly shared an article she has written on the challenges of being a feminist in a patriarchal society. You can read her insights here: 

Please feel free to discuss the article, or any other insights you have, on this forum.

Escuela de formación feminista para la capacitación de género

by Daniela Moreno Alarcón -

Hola a todas y todos,

Yo creo que la capacitación de género debería realizarse sobre la base de las escuelas de formación feminista que son las que promueven el hecho de que no hay rebeldía personal (ni si quiera de parte de quien está dando la capacitación) ni una actitud que se sostenga, si las capacitaciones no abordan la manifestación política de las mujeres y por ende el empoderamiento político. Por ello, creo que las capacitaciones tienen que dirigirse al empoderamiento colectivo y para ello se requiere de sororidad, de empatía y de, incluso, de cercanía con "la otra". Las capacitaciones de género no son únicamente para trabajar los derechos humanos o para que alguien venga a darnos una charla , es la implementación de una metodología de educación popular feminista que nos haga ver que una situación de violencia en concreta no solo me ocurre a mí porque tengo mala suerte, sino que nos ocurre a nosotras... a todas. Es un empoderamiento personal que se hace colectivo y que debería terminar con una agenda, aunque sea la más mínima de todas.
 ¿Qué opinan?


Care Economy Lecture Series - sign up for the Webinars

by Ruya Leghari -

It's a pleasure to inform our CoP members that the Training Centre will be hosting a series of live, free online lectures on the Care Economy in English and Spanish on May 23, May 30, June 6th and June 27th. 

The lectures will be led by international experts and promise to be an exciting learning experience on many aspects of the care economy. I encourage you all to sign up for the Webinars (please click on the flyer below for more information).