Virtual Dialogues

Virtual dialogues are online discussions that aim to motivate debate, exchange of good practices, resources, ideas, and information on different topics related to Training for Gender Equality that respond to the interests, needs and mission of the UN Women Community of Practice.

Virtual Dialog
Module Launch
Past virtual dialogues

Training for Gender Equality Resources

General Discussion Forum

This discussion forum is a space in which CoP members can post threads on topics related to training for gender equality – we hope that this will become a focal point for debates and exchange between our members.

Transversalización del enfoque de género y políticas públicas

by Carmen Cavero -

Hablar de género en la gestión pública en muchos de nuestros países nos lleva a pensar en la importancia de trabajar de manera transversalizar el tema de género en los diversos procesos que se desarrollan en la gestión de la política pública.

En en el Perú, hemos logrado contar con una Política Nacional Género (2019) con lineamientos que precisan la incorporación del enfoque de género en los distintos sectores de gobierno.  Esto nos está permitiendo avanzar en lo público. Actualmente desde mi intervención como consultora estoy trabajando un proceso de capacitación para operadores de justicia que nos permita no solo sensibilizar sino también fortalecer las capacidades de los profesionales para brindar servicios con pertinencia y calidad a las mujeres víctimas de violencia y a las y los integrantes de la familia.

New webinar on the Professional Development Programme for Gender Trainers (7 October)

by Ruya Leghari -

Join us on Thursday, 7 October 2021 for an exciting live webinar on the Professional Development Programme for Gender Trainers (8:00 New York/14:00 Central European time). 

Are you a gender trainer looking to hone your skills? Then this is the programme for you! Join us live to learn more, meet the conveners and pose your questions for our  expert panellists. Register here to take part in this online event tomorrow: 

Results of the CoP Members Survey

by Ruya Leghari -

Welcome to the newly re-opened CoP forum! 

My name is Ruya and I will be moderating the discussion forum on behalf of the UN Women Training Centre throughout 2017. I hope our members will contribute to this forum as an open space for discussion on any issues related to training for gender equality. If you have any questions regarding the CoP please feel free to contact me at 

To get us started, I'm very pleased to note that we have received a number of responses to our recent CoP Members survey, which the Training Centre circulated this month to learn more about the needs and interests of our CoP members. Thank you to all of you who participated in this survey, your feedback will help us ensure that this year's CoP activities are in line with your interests. Please click the link below to access a summary of the survey results. 

And please feel free to post threads in this forum on the training for gender equality issues that interest you most - we hope all our members will participate and make this a space for collaborative debate and knowledge sharing!

La equidad de género es la capacidad de una sociedad

by Maresa Sujey Lazo Lainez -

La equidad de género es la capacidad de una sociedad de ser equitativa y justa en el trato de hombres y mujeres en los ámbitos social, cultural y político. La equidad de género es responsabilidad del Estado, de las instituciones y de la sociedad en su conjunto. Nuestro país está comprometido con avanzar en la igualdad de género. Para ello, identifica y visibiliza las barreras, brechas e inequidades que se presentan entre hombres y mujeres, generando propuestas de acción para eliminarlas. Odepa entrega información, noticias y datos útiles de interés para promover la equidad de género.

New Virtual Dialogue Webinar: Climate action and training for gender equality (13 December 2021)

by Ruya Leghari -

How can training for gender equality contribute to climate action? Join us live at the UN Women Training Centre's next Virtual Dialogue Webinar to find out (13 December 2021, 10:00 NY time): 

Our expert panellists will discuss why training for gender equality is a relevant strategy for advancing climate action, what practical examples exist of using training for gender equality to support climate action, and how we can leverage training's transformative potential to address the climate crisis.

social media climate action webinar

Capacitación de comunidades Afromexicanas

by judith esperanza benitez montes -

Hola mi nombre es Judith Esperanza y me e dado a la tarea de escribir para fortalecer a las comunidades Afromexicanas en Acapulco Gro. México y Fortelecer a la ONU Y UN WOMEN en estas areas

2020 Virtual Dialogue: Online Methodologies and Training for Gender Equality (22 July - 5 August 2020)

by Ruya Leghari -
Edited: Our first Virtual Dialogue this year, on Online Methodologies and Training for Gender Equality kicked off on 22 July 2020 with a live Webinar with four expert panellists. You can watch the recording here and please use this forum to add to the debates! Have something to add on the topic? Have a question for the speakers? This is the place to post it!

Virtual Dialogue online methodologies

Learn more by reading the event's Concept Note and please use this forum to have your say!