Virtual Dialogues

Virtual dialogues are online discussions that aim to motivate debate, exchange of good practices, resources, ideas, and information on different topics related to Training for Gender Equality that respond to the interests, needs and mission of the UN Women Community of Practice.

Virtual Dialog
Module Launch
Past virtual dialogues

Training for Gender Equality Resources

General Discussion Forum

This discussion forum is a space in which CoP members can post threads on topics related to training for gender equality – we hope that this will become a focal point for debates and exchange between our members.

Link to seminar

by José María Toledo Soto -
Would it be possible to please record the seminar recording, I could not get the content of the seminar, there was no good connection, thanks.

gender responsive budgeting

by Umut ilkay KAVLAK -

I looked at the webinar at DEVCO's website, audiovisual quality of the webinar is terrible.  The UN WOMEN training on gender responsive budgeting  (GRP) is charged with 60 USD. Isn't there any free of charge but still good quality online training or source of information on GRP?

CoP Interview Recordings & Upcoming interview with Otgonbaatar Tsedendemberel on 7 September

by Ruya Leghari -

Thank you to everyone who tuned in to the first interview in our CoP Interview series with Dr Lucy Ferguson on feminist pedagogies in training for gender equality. 

Here is an audio recording of our interview: 

You can access the paper on Feminist Peagogies prepared by Dr Ferguson for the UN Women Training Centre here:

As she stressed during the interview, this is a Working Paper so we invite your comments and hope to generate debate about feminist pedagogical principles in training for gender equality, and how we can apply these in practice. What are your thoughts on this? 

climate and Gender


more training are need about women and climate change in africa and how to go in  into

adaptation.On November 2018 I attended to a forum and the end of it I built a belief that a lot need to be done on this subject in Africa

gender form


I have been undertaking women advocacy with  most of my writing articles world wide for more than 20 years now and I happy to be so and continue with it all a long

One may read most of my works at

MANY of us are yet to know or come to understand how our sisters and mothers are suffering in South Sudan ,going through rape and other deadly spores and always in danger

Much the UN is shouting more the continue to be VIOLATED  and  is the high the world should wake up and help in out this--------

Discuss upcoming trainings: e.g. ILO's Participatory Gender Audit course, Genre en Action's Call for Universities

by Ruya Leghari -

Hello everyone, 

I thought we should start a thread to discuss interesting upcoming training opportunities. Please feel free to share information and feedback on courses here. A list of exciting training opportunities is available in our Trainings database - for example, the ILO's Participatory Gender Audit course is coming up: The course lasts from the 4th of September through to October 13th and participants are asked to sign up before the 18th of August.

Do you have any thoughts on these courses or any new ones you'd like us to add to the Trainings Database? Let me know!

My First Female President in Singapore

by 栄祥 林 -

In preparation for the recently completed Presidential Elections of 2017 here in Singapore, I joined UN Women Training Centre and successfully completed the following courses which I thoroughly enjoyed:

  • I Know Gender
  • SSR: Rights & Needs of Women in Border Management
  • How to Manage Gender-responsive Evaluation
  • Gender in Humanitarian Action: Different Needs – Equal Opportunities
  • Gender Equality, UN Coherence and You

Our campaign team chose the similar orange colour as the one here at UNWTC Community of Practice. During the nomination day many of us turned up in various shades of orange in support of our first ever female candidate Madam Halimah Yacob who would go ahead and win the elections uncontested. She hence becomes the first ever female President in the Republic of Singapore, thereby establishing our Republic's intentions of supporting United Nations Sustainable Development Goals particular Number Five: Gender Equality. She will hold a term of six years starting from this month.

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